I want to create something like a dictionary for python code examples. My problem is, that I have to escape all the code examples. Also r'some string'
is not useful. Would you recommend to use an other solution to query this entries?
import easygui
lex = {"dict": "woerter = {\"house\" : \"Haus\"}\nwoerter[\"house\"]",\
"for": "for x in range(0, 3):\n print \"We are on time %d\" % (x)",\
"while": "while expression:\n statement(s)"}
input_ = easygui.enterbox("Python-lex","")
output = lex[input_]
b = easygui.textbox("","",output)
Use triple quoting:
lex = {"dict": '''\
woerter = {"house" : "Haus"}
"for": '''\
for x in range(0, 3):
print "We are on time %d" % (x)
"while": '''\
while expression:
Triple-quoted strings (using '''
or """
delimiters) preserve newlines and any embedded single quotes do not need to be escaped.
The \
escape after the opening '''
triple quote escapes the newline at the start, making the value a little easier to read. The alternative would be to put the first line directly after the opening quotes.
You can make these raw as well; r'''\n'''
would contain the literal characters \
and n
, but literal newlines still remain literal newlines. Triple-quoting works with double-quote characters too: """This is a triple-quoted string too"""
. The only thing you'd have to escape is another triple quote in the same style; you only need to escape one quote character in that case:
triple_quote_with_embedded_triple = '''Triple quotes use \''' and """ delimiters'''