I am trying to test the barcode scanner in iPhone application. I have used the following code
- (void) imagePickerController: (UIImagePickerController*) reader didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo: (NSDictionary*) info
// get the decode results
id<NSFastEnumeration> results = [info objectForKey: ZBarReaderControllerResults];
ZBarSymbol *symbol = nil;
for(symbol in results)
// just grab the first barcode
// showing the result on textview
self.resultLbl.text = symbol.data;
self.imgViewScan.image = [info objectForKey: UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage];
// dismiss the controller
[reader dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
- (IBAction)scanBtnTapped:(id)sender {
self.resultLbl.text = @"Scanning..";
ZBarReaderViewController *codeReader = [ZBarReaderViewController new];
codeReader.supportedOrientationsMask = ZBarOrientationMaskAll;
ZBarImageScanner *scanner = codeReader.scanner;
[scanner setSymbology: ZBAR_I25 config: ZBAR_CFG_ENABLE to: 0];
[self presentViewController:codeReader animated:YES completion:nil];
This code is not working on simulator.
Download the code of barcode scanner