I am using rolify with a User model and a Task model (Rails 4). One of the roles a user can have is "owner." I want to use Factory Girl to create a user object and assign it a role. Here is my factory:
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :task do
owner "Steve"
agency "an agency"
facility "a facility"
description "This task must absolutely be done"
due_date "2013-12-22 03:57:37"
completed_date "2013-12-22 03:57:37"
factory :task_with_owner do
ignore do
user_id nil
after(:create) do |task, user_id|
User.find(user_id).add_role :owner, task
This spec passes:
it 'is capable of creating a valid object with owner' do
@user = create(:user)
task = create(:task_with_owner, user_id: @user.id)
expect(@user.has_role? :owner, task).to be_true
This spec fails:
it 'is capable of creating two valid objects with an owner' do
@user = create(:user, username: 'janeblow')
task = create(:task_with_owner, user_id: @user.id)
expect(@user.has_role? :owner, task).to be_true
task = create(:task_with_owner, user_id: @user.id)
expect(@user.has_role? :owner, task).to be_true
The error is:
Failure/Error: task = create(:task_with_owner, user_id: @user.id)
Couldn't find User with id=#<#<Class:0x000000050f5e10>:0x00000004c9ed08>
# ./spec/factories/tasks.rb:19:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'
# ./spec/models/role_spec.rb:15:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
Your after(:create) block looks a little wrong. Try changing it to the following:
after(:create) do |task, vars|
User.find(vars.user_id).add_role :owner, task
Then re-run your failing spec.
Because you told the factory to ignore the user_id
being passed in and to use nil
instead, in your after(:create)
block you have to access it from the passed in attributes (in the second block argument, vars in this case). You were almost there, but were passing the object factory_girl uses to hold the attributes rather than the attribute itself from within that object.
See the Transient Attributes
section here for another example - https://github.com/thoughtbot/factory_girl/blob/master/GETTING_STARTED.md