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Backbonejs routing VS emberjs routing

This is how I do my routes in backbonejs where the routing and its params are obtained first before deciding which external template to call. I find this is quite flexible.

var Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
        routes: {
            //'':                                                         'renderBasic',
            ':module/:method/':                                        'renderDynamicViewPageBasic',
            ':module/:branch/:method/':                                'renderDynamicViewPageBranch',
            ':module/:branch/:method/set:setnumber/page:pagenumber/':  'renderDynamicViewPagePager',
            ':module/:branch/:method?set=:setnumber&page=:pagenumber': 'renderDynamicViewPagePager'

        renderDynamicViewPageBasic: function (module,method) {


        renderDynamicViewPageBranch: function (module,branch,method) {


        renderDynamicViewPagePager: function (module,branch,method,setnumber,pagenumber) {



How about in emberjs, can I do the same - do the rout and get its params afirst before deciding which external template to call?

I read the documentation and tested it. It seems to be less flexible - for instance, {
  this.route("about", { path: "/about" });
  this.route("favorites", { path: "/favs" });

Is it possible to get the route and params and then the controller before getting the template?

if not, it seems to be the same as case using Angularjs which I finally decided not to use it because it gets the template first before sorting out the params.


  • You can define the template "post params" in EmberJs using the renderTemplate hook, where you can customize which template you'd like to use. {
      this.route('apple', {path: 'apple/:id'}); 
    App.AppleRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
      model: function(params) {
        return {coolProperty:};
      renderTemplate: function(controller, model) {
        // send in the template name