I'm pretty new to programming in general and I'm creating a small game for my younger sister...
I have a while loop in which I want to have an option to quit the game, but none of the quitting techniques I know of seem to work:
#main game:
while 1:
input_event_1 = gui.buttonbox(
msg = 'Hello, what would you like to do with your Potato Head?',
title = 'Main Screen',
choices = ('Check Stats', 'Feed', 'Exercise', 'Teach', 'Play', 'Go to Doctor', 'Change Favourite Thing', 'Get New Toy', 'Quit'))
if input_event_1 == 'Check Stats':
if input_event_1 == 'Change Favourite Thing':
if input_quit == 'Quit':
input_quit = gui.ynbox(
msg = 'Are you sure you want to quit?',
title = 'Confirm quit',
choices = ('Quit', 'Cancel'))
if input_event_quit == 'Quit':
grateful for any help.
Thanks for the advice, but it's still not working:
here's the updated code:
#import the required modules:
import easygui as gui
import os
class PotatoHead:
def __init__(self):
self.data = game_data
self.first_name = self.data[0]
self.last_name = self.data[1]
self.gender = self.data[2]
self.colour = self.data[3]
self.fav_thing = self.data[4]
self.toys = []
self.age = '0.0'
self.hunger = '0.0'
self.health = '0.0'
self.fitness = '0.0'
self.education = '0.0'
self.happiness = '0.0'
self.tiredness = '0.0'
def check_p_h_stats(self):
self.toys_string = str(self.toys)
msg = '''
Name: ''' + self.first_name + ' ' + self.last_name + '''
Gender: ''' + self.gender + '''
Colour: ''' + self.colour + '''
Favourite Thing: ''' + self.colour + '''
Toys:''' + self.toys_string + '''
Age: ''' + self.age + '''
Hunger: ''' + self.hunger + '''
Health: ''' + self.health + '''
Fitness: ''' + self.fitness + '''
Education: ''' + self.education + '''
Happiness: ''' + self.happiness + '''
Tiredness: ''' + self.tiredness + '''
title = 'Potato Head Stats',
ok_button = 'Continue')
def change_favourite_thing(self):
new_fav_thing = gui.enterbox(
msg = 'Enter the new favourite thing:',
title = 'Change Favourite Thing',
default = 'Type Here')
self.fav_thing = new_fav_thing
#-----MAIN PROGRAM----------------------------
#set up game:
image = 'nest.gif'
game_choice = gui.ynbox(
msg = """Would you like to start a new game,
or load a previously saved one?""",
title = 'Start/Load Game',
choices = ('New Game', 'Load Game'),
image = image)
if game_choice == 1:
fieldNames = ['First Name', 'Last Name', 'Gender', 'Colour', 'Favourite Thing', 'First Toy']
new_p_head_data = []
new_p_head_data = gui.multenterbox(
msg = 'Fill in the starting information about your Potato Head:',
title = 'New Game',
fields = fieldNames,
values = ('', '', 'Male/Female', 'Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, White, Black', '', 'Choose either Rattle, Pacifier, Teddy, Doll, or Soft Ball'))
game_data = new_p_head_data
gui.msgbox('This function is not yet supported, please start again...')
myPotatoHead = PotatoHead()
#main game:
while 1:
input_event_1 = gui.buttonbox(
msg = 'Hello, what would you like to do with your Potato Head?',
title = 'Main Screen',
choices = ('Check Stats', 'Feed', 'Exercise', 'Teach', 'Play', 'Go to Doctor', 'Change Favourite Thing', 'Get New Toy', 'Quit'))
if input_event_1 == 'Check Stats':
elif input_event_1 == 'Change Favourite Thing':
elif input_event_1 == 'Quit':
input_quit = gui.ynbox(
msg = 'Are you sure you want to quit?',
title = 'Confirm quit',
choices = ('Quit', 'Cancel'))
if input_quit == 'Quit':
Am using PYthon 2.5.4 for Mac and am using Easygui 0.83
Again, thanks for any advice
I think this is your problem:
if input_quit == 'Quit':
input_quit = gui.ynbox(
msg = 'Are you sure you want to quit?',
should be
if input_event_1 == 'Quit':
input_quit = gui.ynbox(
msg = 'Are you sure you want to quit?',
Edit: the reason it's still not working, according to the EasyGui tutorial, is that ynbox
returns 0 or 1, rather than the string values of the choices. So change to
elif input_event_1 == 'Quit':
input_quit = gui.ynbox(
msg = 'Are you sure you want to quit?',
title = 'Confirm quit',
choices = ('Quit', 'Cancel'))
if input_quit == 1: