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How can I create unique strings (with no numbers) with factory girl?

Or is an external gem necessary to generate random and unique usernames maybe?

Here's my current factory:

factory :user_4 do
    sequence(:id) { |n| n }
    sequence(:first_name) { |n| "Gemini" + n.to_s }
    sequence(:last_name) { |n| "Pollux" + n.to_s }
    sequence(:profile_name) { |n| "GeminiPollux" + n.to_s  }
    sequence(:email) { |n| "geminipollus" + n.to_s + "" }

Using the sequence method works for the id, profile_name and email, but my REGEX validations mean that the first name and last name are automatically invalid, because they have a digit in them. Nothing to do with the uniqueness.

So how should I create these unique names?


  • There are infinite possible solutions to generate a random string without relying on third party gems.

    Here's one

    # => "sugrjtyoiqlbxkzcfnawdhpevm"


    factory :user_4 do
      sequence(:id) { |n| n }
      first_name { "Gemini" + random_name }
      # ...
    def random_name

    If the random factor is too low, you can increase the complexity.