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How to build a menu with defined pages

In TYPO3 CMS you could build a menu with defined pages very easy. How does this work in Neos and Typoscript2?

Typoscript1 Code was:

Menu1 = HMENU
Menu1 {
    special = directory
    special.value = 1,6,7
    wrap = <div class="somemenu">|</div>

For example i have this page structure:

  • Site1
  • Site2
  • Site3
    • Site4
    • Site5
    • Site6
  • Site7

And i want a menu which only contains Site1, Site6, Site7.

I need that menu in the footer.


  • I have found a way to create a menu with defined pages, by adding a checkbox in every page so I can select which pages I want to show in the menu.

    Start by editing NodeTypes.yaml and extend the Page nodetype to have this extra property

            label: 'Footer Menu'
        type: boolean
        defaultValue: FALSE
          label: 'Show in footer?'
            group: 'footernav'

    After that create a FooterMenu nodetype in the same file.

      superTypes: ['TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes:Menu']
        label: 'Footer Menu'
        group: 'structure'

    Create it's typoscript file.

    prototype(Vendor.Site:FooterMenu) < prototype(TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes:Menu) {
        entryLevel = 1
        templatePath = 'resource://Neos.Bootsite/Private/Templates/TypoScriptObjects/FooterMenu.html'

    Edit Root.ts2 file and add in the Page object

    footermenu = ${q(node).property('footermenu')}

    Last but not least, create FooterMenu.html

    {namespace neos=TYPO3\Neos\ViewHelpers}
        <f:render section="itemsList" arguments="{items: items}" />
    <f:section name="itemsList">
        <f:for each="{items}" as="item">
            <f:if condition="{}">
                <neos:link.node node="{item.node}">{item.label}</neos:link.node>
            <f:if condition="{item.subItems}">
                <f:render section="itemsList" arguments="{items: item.subItems}" />