For the same ruby version, the same YAML parser engine Psych (but different minor versions), but different OS (Mac vs. Linux), text "2e8"
is treated as String
on Mac but as Float
) on Linux. Why? How can I fix it so they show the same behavior?
For Mac: Darwin 12.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 12.4.0: root:xnu-2050.24.15~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
require "yaml"
RUBY_VERSION # => "1.9.3"
YAML::ENGINE.yamler # => "psych"
Psych::VERSION # => "1.2.2"
Psych.load("2e8") # => "2e8"
YAML.load("2e8") # => "2e8"
YAML.load("'2e8'") # => "2e8"
For Linux: Linux 2.6.18-238.el5 #1 SMP x86_64 GNU/Linux
require "yaml"
RUBY_VERSION # => "1.9.3"
YAML::ENGINE.yamler # => "psych"
Psych::VERSION # => "1.2.1"
Psych.load("2e8") # => 200000000.0
YAML.load("2e8") # => 200000000.0
YAML.load("'2e8'") # => "2e8"
I know adding quotes '2e8'
will give the same behavior, but this text is part of a dump generated on Mac, which doesn't put these quotes.
It is the psych
version that is causing the difference.
This is the relevant commit:
You are about two years behind latest version, so I suggest if you can to update your dependencies on the project.
How did I find this? Using github's excellent compare function: