I'm having Problem logging in when I open any stackexchange website via Mozilla Firefox. I use my yahoo login, so when my yahoo account is logged in, I should automatically logged in to stackexchange. So when I open stackoverflow for example, it recognizes me (a message appears on top of the page saying: "Hello Ashkan, Welcome back...), when click the message to log in, it refreshes the page but I'm not logged in. Now I'm using chrome to post this question and it works fine.
I don't know it may be a silly mistake, but I'm having this problem for about 2 or 3 months, since Firefox is my favorite browser it's a little annoying to open chrome separately to search for questions on stackoverflow and etc.
I deleted cookies for stackoverflow.com and stackexchange.com, and the problem went away. The instructions to delete cookies for specific websites is available here. I don't know why this happened, but this solution worked for me.