I'm using xml-rpc to upload post on my wordpress site already one month, but yesterday I got error message.
Response from server does not contain valid XML.
I did reinstall my wordpress site, but the same problem still remains. I think my code is correct because it would work for about 1 month. Check this code list:
Public Structure category
Public categoryId As Object
Public parentId As Object
Public description As Object
Public categoryName As Object
Public htmlUrl As Object
Public rssUrl As Object
End Structure
<XmlRpcUrl("http://nullgames.com/xmlrpc.php")> _
Public Interface IWP
Inherits IXmlRpcProxy
<XmlRpcMethod("wp.getCategories")> _
Function getCategories(ByVal args() As String) As category()
End Interface
Public Structure blogInfo
Public title As String
Public description As String
Public mt_keywords As String()
Public categories As String()
End Structure
Public Interface IgetCatList
<CookComputing.XmlRpc.XmlRpcMethod("metaWeblog.newPost")> _
Function NewPage(ByVal blogId As Integer, ByVal strUserName As String, ByVal strPassword As String, ByVal content As blogInfo, ByVal publish As Integer) As String
End Interface
Sub SendPost(ByVal titlepost_ As String, ByVal bodypost_ As String, ByVal categorypost_ As String)
Dim proxy As IWP = XmlRpcProxyGen.Create(Of IWP)()
Dim args() As String = {"http://nullgames.com", "Admin", "xxxxxxxxx"}
Dim categories2() As category
categories2 = proxy.getCategories(args)
For Each category In categories2
Dim result As String = Nothing
Dim newBlogPost As blogInfo = Nothing
Dim categories = CType(XmlRpcProxyGen.Create(GetType(IgetCatList)), IgetCatList)
Dim clientProtocol = CType(categories, XmlRpcClientProtocol)
clientProtocol.Url = "http://nullgames.com/xmlrpc.php"
newBlogPost.title = titlepost_
newBlogPost.description = bodypost_
newBlogPost.mt_keywords = New String() {p_tags}
newBlogPost.categories = New String() {categorypost_}
result = ""
result = categories.NewPage(1, "Admin", "xxxxxxxxx", newBlogPost, 1)
idPost = result
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
When I tried to view the args() I got this reply:
The XML page cannot be displayed
Invalid at the top level of the document. Error processing resource 'file:///C:/Users/owner/AppData/Local/Temp/VSD1.tmp.XML...
Moreover, I use the same code in my other wordpress site and that one works fine..., any idea?
The problem is solved, if you have the same problem with me, try this: