Say I want my uploaded files to be stored in a structure of subdirectories as shown below:
So that each subfolder can contain 999 files at max i.e. when /uploads/0/ reaches its limit, the folder /uploads/1/ is created automaticaly and next file goes there. Each folder also can contain 999 subfolders.
The question is - How do I do that? My main concern is how to determine where to put the newly uploaded file. Could you describe the algorithm? I cannot think of anything better than performing these steps each time:
Looking for the latest created folder in /uploads/ and if it's empty - creating one, like so:
$contents = $scandir('/uploads');
$dirs = array();
foreach ($contents as $path) {
if (is_dir($path)) {
$dirs[] = $path;
if (empty($dirs)) {
//create new dir and save file there subsequently
$saveTo = $parentDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "1" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "1";
mkdir($saveTo, 0777, true);
} else {
$last = array_pop($dirs);
One approach is to keep a running total of all uploads, (atomically) increasing it for each upload.
Then the directory can be created like so:
$dir = sprintf('/uploads/%d/%d', floor($total / 1000), $total % 1000);
if (!file_exists($dir)) {
mkdir($dir, 0755, true);