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XEN core login process

I want to know how the xml-rpc works in xen core. I want the sample xml formate sent to xen core while login from XenCenter. Can anyone help me with that? I am not willing to use API provided by xen, I think we can make a connection via traditional http post. Please help.


  • I am sharing how I make it work.

    This is the xml formate you need to provide for login in XEN SERVER. So make XML as XEN SERVER expects and make a connection and post the xml. It will return the expected response.

    <?xml version=’1.0’?> <methodCall>
      <methodName>session.login_with_password</methodName> <params>
          <value><string>passwd</string></value> </param>

    it you return a XML like


    Then parse the XML to get the data and save necessary data for further use. You can have a good idea about XML formate and return type from XEN API Documentation

    Best of luck. And feel free to ask any question.