I'm trying to enable a double click event on a flex control without disabling the default mouseup/mousedown behaviors.
I'm using the ESRI Flex API for arcgis server, and I have a map control with one background layer and a GraphicLayer. The graphics layer has several Graphic objects that respond to mouseover, and allow the user to pan the map if they click and hold. However, when I implement a double click event handler for the graphic objects, they no longer seem to bubble up their default behavior to the map.
Is there a way to implement a double click on a Graphic object while preserving the old behavior from clicking and holding?
I solved this by attaching the double click event to the map, rather than the graphic, and using the target attribute of the event to get the graphic I wanted to use.
Like this:
map.addEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, function(event:MouseEvent):void
var graphic:Graphic = event.target as Graphic;