I have been wondering how I can make Python ignore characters inside double quotation marks (") in my find and replace function. My code is:
def findAndReplace(textToSearch, textToReplace,fileToSearch):
oldFileName = 'old-' + fileToSearch
tempFileName = 'temp-' + fileToSearch
tempFile = open( tempFileName, 'w' )
for line in fileinput.input( fileToSearch ):
tempFile.write( line.replace( textToSearch, textToReplace ) )
# Rename the original file by prefixing it with 'old-'
os.rename( fileToSearch, oldFileName )
# Rename the temporary file to what the original was named...
os.rename( tempFileName, fileToSearch )
Suppose that our file (test.txt) has contents (THIS IS OUR ACTUAL TEXT):
I like your code "I like your code"
and I execute
which will write the following to my file:
I like your bucket "I like your bucket"
However, I want it to skip the double-quoted part and get this as a result
I like your bucket "I like your code"
What should I add to my source code?
Thanks in advance
haystack = 'I like your code "I like your code"'
needle = "code"
replacement = "bucket"
parts = haystack.split('"')
for i in range(0,len(parts),2):
parts[i] = parts[i].replace(needle,replacement)
print '"'.join(parts)
assuming you cannot have nested quotes ...