I want to print this function:
I set the range of both q1 and q2 like this:
then, to use mesh (it's not that I like this function,is the only one I found) I have to:
1)create a meshgrid for x and y 2)create a matrix for my f containing its values for the meshgrid so
now,for the 2) if I do
for i=1:length(x),
for j=1:length(y),
and then mesh(X,Y,Z) it works well
if I do
for i=1:length(x),
for j=1:length(y),
it takes half an hour (literally) to get Z,and I get it in a horrible way (I have elements like cos(1194939423423424/4214242444122)
I've seen someone using a form like this k=@a,b f but I can't find it on the documentation and I supose is the same thing of the subs command. Why the second case is that slower? I want to create a function that does it taking f as input,but if I have to hardcode it in the for I can't.
I'm totally fine if you can tip me a way to print in 3d AND get the level curves without using those matrix,but if you can answer my question I'd prefer it
The reason it takes forever to calculate Z
is that you don't preallocate the array.
If f
can be vectorized, you can create your plot very easily:
[X,Y] = meshgrid(-pi:0.01:pi,-pi:0.01:pi);
f = @(x,y)cos(x+y);
Z = f(X,Y); %# or call directly Z=cos(X+Y)