I'm using tig and would like to see the list of changed files in a commit, possibly drilling down to a diff view of a specific file, yet I haven't found a way to do this. Is it possible, or is only the diff view available on a commit?
The gentleman behind tig has graciously created a dedicated view log: https://stackoverflow.com/a/21323680/2916086
Thank you sir!
UPDATE: pipe in the data you want tig to format. For example:
> git log --stat|tig
> alias tigstat='git log --stat|tig'
> tigstat
Basically, just press Enter on the commit you are interested, while in the default view of tig.
In detail:
The list of changed files should be at the top of the diff.
See http://jonas.nitro.dk/tig/manual.html#viewer for more info
You can also get this information using:
git log --stat
git log --stat A_COMMIT_SHA