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Linux IPC with single writer, multible readers

In my application, I have one process (the "writer") reading data from external hardware. This process should supply consistent packets to several "readers".

Question: How can one process send consistent data-packets (not blocking) to several clients while they see something like the end of a personal fifo? I'm on Debian Linux.

1) In my first approach I tried "datagram - unix domain sockets", which worked well. But with the "writer" as server, all the clients have to poll the server permanently. :-( They get one packet several times; or miss a packet if not polling fast enough.

2) My second approach was FIFOs (Named Pipes) which works too, but with several readers "strange things happen", what I got confirmed here:

I tried this, searched the net and stackoverflow the whole day, but I could not find a reasonable answer.

Edit: Sorry, I did not mention: I can't use socketpair() and fork. My programs are independently developed. I'd like to have the writer ready, while developing new readers.


  • If the writer process is a server, it might fork the client processes and just plain pipe(2) for communication. If there is no parent/child relationship, consider named pipes made with mkfifo(3), or AF_UNIX sockets (see unix(7) and scoket(2) ....) which are bidirectional (AF_UNIX sockets are much faster than TCP/IP or UDP/IP on the same machine).

    Notice that your writer process is reading data from your hardware device and is writing or sending data to several reader clients. So your writer process deals with many file descriptors simultaneously (the hardware device to be read, and the sockets or pipes to be written to the clients, at least one file descriptor per client).

    However, the important thing is to have some event loop (notably on the server side, and probably also inside clients). This means that you call some multiplexing syscall like poll(2) in the loop, and you "decide" if you are reading or writing or connecting (and which file descriptor should be read, or should be written, or should connect) in each iteration. See also read(2), write(2), connect(2), send(2), recv(2) etc... Notice that you should buffer data with an event loop (since read and write can be on "partial" or "incomplete" messages).

    Notice that poll is not eating CPU resources when waiting for I/O. You could, but you should not anymore, use some older multiplexing syscall (like the obsolete select(2) ...). Use poll(2).

    You may want to use a library to provide the event loop, e.g. libevent or libev... See also this answer. That event loop should also (on the server side) poll then read the hardware device.

    If some of the programs are using a GUI toolkit (e.g. on the client side) like Qt or Gtk they should profit of the existing event loop provided by that toolkit...

    You should read Advanced Linux Programming and know about the C10K problem.

    If signals or timers are important (read carefully signal(7) and time(7)) the Linux specific signalfd(2) and timerfd_create(2) could be very helpful since they play nicely with event loops. These linux specific syscalls (signalfd & timerfd_create ...) are too recent to be mentioned in Advanced Linux Programming.

    BTW, you could study the source code of existing free software similar to yours, and/or use strace(1) to understand the exact syscalls that they are doing.

    If you have no loop around a multiplexing syscall (à la poll(2)) then you have no event loop and your design is buggy and cannot possibly and reliably work (since you need to react to several file descriptors at once).

    You could also use a multi-threaded approach, but it is much more complex and not worth the effort in your particular case.