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Polymorphic custom configuration section

Lets say I have the following configuration section....

    <whaa hello="world" />
   <whaa hello="world" blot="1" />

Because the second <whaa> element has the extra attribute on it I want to map it to a sub type of the the type that's mapped to the first <whaa> element.

So how do I get polymorphic binding?


  • Here's one approach by using a programmatic solution which overrides the OnDeserializeUnrecognizedElement method of the ConfigurationSection class. The base and child configuration element classes:

    public class Whaa : ConfigurationElement
        [ConfigurationProperty("hello", IsRequired = true)]
        public string Hello
                return base["hello"] as string;
                base["hello"] = value;
    public class WhaaChild : Whaa
        [ConfigurationProperty("blot", IsRequired = true)]
        public string Blot
                return base["blot"] as string;
                base["blot"] = value;

    The configuration section class:

    public class Yak : ConfigurationSection
        public Whaa MyProperty;
        protected override bool
            OnDeserializeUnrecognizedElement(string elementName, XmlReader reader)
            if (elementName == "whaa")
                    var hello = reader.GetAttribute("hello");
                    if (hello != null)
                        var blot = reader.GetAttribute("blot");
                        if (blot != null)
                            MyProperty = new WhaaChild()
                                Blot = blot,
                                Hello = hello
                            MyProperty = new Whaa()
                                Hello = hello
                catch (Exception)
                    // TODO: add exception handling
            return true;

    The sample usage:

    var yakSectionSettings = (Yak)ConfigurationManager.GetSection("yak");

    And the configuration markup:

        <section name="yak" type="Yak, MyApplication"/>

    You may use now either:

        <whaa hello="world"/>

    for getting a Whaa object, or:

        <whaa hello="world" blot="1"/>

    for getting a WhaaChild object at runtime.