I have a class that internally represents some quantity in fixed point as 32-bit integer with somewhat arbitrary denominator (it is neither power of 2 nor power of 10).
For communicating with other applications the quantity is converted to plain old double on output and back on input. As code inside the class it looks like:
int32_t quantity;
double GetValue() { return double(quantity) / DENOMINATOR; }
void SetValue(double x) { quantity = x * DENOMINATOR; }
Now I need to ensure that if I output some value as double and read it back, I will always get the same value back. I.e. that
will never change x.quantity
is arbitrary instance of the class containing the above code).
The double representation has more digits of precision, so it should be possible. But it will almost certainly not be the case with the simplistic code above.
Any 32 bits will be represented exactly when you convert to a double, but when you divide then multiply by an arbitrary value you will get a similar value but not exactly the same. You should lose at most one bit per operations, which means your double will be almost the same, prior to casting back to an int. However, since int casts are truncations, you will get the wrong result when very minor errors turn 2.000 into 1.999, thus what you need to do is a simple rounding task prior to casting back.
You can use std::lround()
for this if you have C++11, else you can write you own rounding function.
You probably don't care about fairness much here, so the common int(doubleVal+0.5)
will work for positives. If as seems likely, you have negatives, try this:
int round(double d) { return d<0?d-0.5:d+0.5; }