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SPARQL queries don't work with Jena

I'm constantly having the following problem. When I write queries into Jena they don't work.

Take for example this good query from other sites:

PREFIX dbpedia: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX mo: <>

WHERE {dbpedia:The_Beatles mo:member ?member .
       ?member foaf:name ?name

when I translate it into Java's Jena it should look like this:

public static String beatlesMembers = 
        "PREFIX dbpedia: <> "+
        "PREFIX foaf: <> "+
        "PREFIX mo: <> "+
        "SELECT * " +
        "WHERE {dbpedia:The_Beatles mo:member ?member . "+
        "?member foaf:name ?name "+

and then I query DBPEDIA

Query query = QueryFactory.create(Requests.beatlesMembers);

QueryExecution qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.sparqlService("", query);

try {
    ResultSet results = qexec.execSelect();
    for (; results.hasNext();) {
        QuerySolution s = results.nextSolution();
finally {

And it returns nothing...

Any idea why? I can't figure out how to correctly write these queries in Java. Hope you can help.

Thank you very much for your help


  • Did you try the query at

    When I run it there, through the web form interface, I get zero rows.

    { dbpedia:The_Beatles mo:member ?member } has zero matches. There are no triples.

    Try { dbpedia:The_Beatles ?pred ?obj} and look at the details.