I used the following scripts for plotting and fitting.
Data set:
2.474 2.659
0.701 2.637
0.582 2.643
0.513 2.666
0.403 2.639
0.308 2.615
0.218 2.561
0.137 2.537
set key bottom right
f(x) = a*atan(x/b); a = 2.65; b = 2.5
fit f(x) 'test.txt' u 1:2 via a,b
plot 'test.txt' u 1:2 w p not, f(x) t 'f(x)'
The plot looks like this:
I am trying to restrict it between min_y and max_y. The following intuitive code failed horribly,
fit [y=2.537:2.659] f(x) 'test.txt' u 1:2 via a,b
Any suggestion on restriction would be highly appreciated! Thanks!
The range option only specifies which input points should be used, not restricting the output. So far as I can see from the manual, restrictions on the output value of f(x) aren't really possible (and so far as I can see from the problem, not really desirable).