What I want to do is really simple. I want use Lua to check lines in a Plist file.
Let's say if a line in Plist, is <integer>-1.00</integer>
, I need to cut the .00
off to make it be <integer>-1</integer>
I use a function to read the whole file content and do line by line check and replace.
local function doLineClean( cont )
newcont = ''
string.gsub( cont, "(.-)\r?\n", function(line)
if string.match( line, "<integer>.-<%/integer>" ) then
string.gsub( line, "<.->(.-)<.->", function(v)
a, b = string.find(v,"%..*")
if a and b then
v = string.sub( v, 0, a - 1 )
line = "\t\t<integer>"..v.."</integer>"
end )
newcont = newcont .. line .. '\n'
end )
return newcont
Is there an more efficient and elegant way to do the same job?
First, note that Lua's string patterns are not full regular expressions. They are more limited and less powerful, but usually sufficient (as in this case).
Why not a far simpler replacement such as the following?
local s1 = [[
local s2 = s1:gsub('(<integer>%-?%d+)%.%d+','%1')
--> <integer>3</integer>
--> <integer>3</integer>
--> <integer>-1</integer>
--> <integer>-1</integer>
--> <float>3.14</float>
This finds:
)and replaces it with the first capture (the contents of 1-3, above).
Note that this will not work if you can have floats without a leading digit (e.g. <integer>.99</integer>
) or scientific notation (e.g. <integer>1.34e7</integer>