Search code examples

nested (double) loop with thymeleaf

I've tried searching for existing answers, but I could not find them.

I'd like to access an ArrayList from an object within an ArrayList, so:

Basically two classes: Glossary and Word. Glossary contains a list with Word objects, the class Word contains a list with more Word objects (related words)

<span th:each="word : ${glossary.words}">
  <tr th:each="relatedWord: ${word.relatedWords}">
    <p th:text="${relatedWord.getName()}"></p>

Unfortunately this does not work for me..


  • I'm not sure but I don't think you can access public non-static getters like you do (assuming getName() is marked as public).

    You should try:

        <span th:each="word : ${glossary.words}">
                <tr th:each="relatedWord: ${word.relatedWords}">
                    <p th:text="${}"></p>

    One note: the above code is absolutely not valid XHTML (span directly inside table, tr directly inside td).