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How to get innerHTML of DOMNode?

What function do you use to get innerHTML of a given DOMNode in the PHP DOM implementation? Can someone give reliable solution?

Of course outerHTML will do too.


  • Compare this updated variant with PHP Manual User Note #89718:

    function DOMinnerHTML(DOMNode $element) 
        $innerHTML = ""; 
        $children  = $element->childNodes;
        foreach ($children as $child) 
            $innerHTML .= $element->ownerDocument->saveHTML($child);
        return $innerHTML; 


    $dom= new DOMDocument(); 
    $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
    $dom->formatOutput       = true;
    $domTables = $dom->getElementsByTagName("table"); 
    // Iterate over DOMNodeList (Implements Traversable)
    foreach ($domTables as $table) 
        echo DOMinnerHTML($table); 