In the hibernate documentation for version 4.3.0.Final the following code snippet is given to create a SessionFactory
package org.hibernate.tutorial.util;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;
public class HibernateUtil {
private static final SessionFactory sessionFactory = buildSessionFactory();
private static SessionFactory buildSessionFactory() {
try {
// Create the SessionFactory from hibernate.cfg.xml
return new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory();
catch (Throwable ex) {
// Make sure you log the exception, as it might be swallowed
System.err.println("Initial SessionFactory creation failed." + ex);
throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(ex);
public static SessionFactory getSessionFactory() {
return sessionFactory;
This seems to be outdated, as the method buildSessionFactory()
is deprecated. What is the correct way to create the SessionFactory
public class TestHB4 {
private static StandardServiceRegistry serviceRegistry;
private static SessionFactory sessionFactory;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Person person = new Person();
Configuration configuration = new Configuration().configure();
serviceRegistry = new StandardServiceRegistryBuilder().applySettings(configuration.getProperties()).build();
sessionFactory = configuration.configure().buildSessionFactory(serviceRegistry);
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();