I'm trying to map a network share on a remote windows xp machine using winexe program from ubuntu and the command fails with the errors as below .
./bin/winexe -U Domain1/Administrator%paswrd123 // 'cmd /c net use Q: \\\Mydrive pwd123 /USER:user /P:yes'
System error 1312 has occurred.
A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated.
i went to the remote system logged in and ran net use command locally and the share drive got mapped successfully .
Command used :
net use Q: \\\Mydrive pwd123 /USER:user /P:yes
i have googled and people have given suggestions on checking the syntax of the command , the syntax of the command is fine and it works fine when run locally on the windows system. Help on this would be appreciated .
EDIT:I entered the domain name in the username section as below and the command worked successfully but i'm unable to find the share drive on the remote machine.
./bin/winexe -U Domain1/Administrator%paswrd123 // 'cmd /c net use Q:\\\Mydrive pwd123 /USER:MUM\user /P:yes`'
The command completed successfully.
For your edited query, you can use this to let NET pick a free drive letter, then use NET to find out what letter it assigned:
net use * \\server\share
for /f "tokens=2" %%i in ('net use ^| find "\\server\share"') do set netdrive=%%i
echo %netdrive% has been mapped
For details on net use commands, see accepted answer for question Mapping a network drive without hardcoding a drive letter in a batch file.