What i want to achieve is a list view filled with images and some descriptive text associated with each item.The Image Url, Text is both dynamically fetched from web-(Json response). implementing Universal Image Loader is the possible solution.Here is what i am doing.
Before setting adapter to listview in onCreate() method, start a new Asyn task to fetch data(image urls, text) from web and then store the result in respective arrays..imageUrls & descTexts.
Immediately after the Async call , set the adapter to list view.
In the getView() method of Adapter, i am using these imageUrls and descTexts arrays to populate list view.
Problem: in getView() method,before using the populated arrays i need to make sure that the async task has finished .How do i do this. I can use getStatus() method of async task class,but it blocks UI thread.
Any solution to this issue.Or Am i doing it the wrong way.
Check out the onPostExecute()
method of the AsyncTask
Just put the code to set the adapter inside this method which runs inmediately after the async taks finishes.
So, as an example:
class MyAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<String, Void, Void>{
protected void onPreExecute() {
protected Void doInBackground(String... params) {
return null;
protected void onPostExecute(Void result) {
// create you adapter here and set it to the ListView
Adapter myAdapter = ...