I am attempting to build a DAL generator for myself. While most of it has gone perfectly, I am a bit stuck when it comes to my sprocs.
In my database, I have a set # of sprocs that are simple select statements, such as:
ALTER PROCEDURE [Details].[Page]
@ID BigInt
Select PageID, SiteID, TemplateID, Parent, Updated, Created, Settings, PublishDate, Publish, Page, LinkAlias, Keywords, Description, HomePage, Title
From Selects.Pages
Where PageID = @ID
I am able to get the schema, the name, and the parameters via utilizing Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo
How can I get the columns returned from the procedure though?
Here is my code:
Private Sub GrabProcedures()
Dim _Db As Database = Srv.Databases(DBName)
Dim _Procs As ParallelQuery = _Db.StoredProcedures.AsParallel()
Dim _i As Integer = 0
For Each proc As StoredProcedure In _Procs
If Not proc.IsSystemObject Then
_i += 1
_Procedures.Add(New ProcedureTyping() With {
.ID = _i,
.Name = proc.Name,
.Schema = proc.Schema,
.Parameters = ProcessParameters(proc.Parameters),
.Include = True,
.GenerateSelect = False})
End If
_SPCount = _Procedures.Count
End Sub
Private Function ProcessParameters(_params As StoredProcedureParameterCollection) As List(Of ParameterTyping)
Dim _L As New List(Of ParameterTyping)
Dim _p As Integer = 0
For Each param As StoredProcedureParameter In _params
_p += 1
_L.Add(New ParameterTyping() With {
.ID = _p,
.Name = param.Name,
.Type = param.DataType.SqlDataType,
.Length = param.DataType.MaximumLength,
.OutParam = param.IsOutputParameter,
.DefaultValue = param.DefaultValue})
Return _L
End Function
Partial Public Class ProcedureTyping
Public Property ID As Integer
Public Property Name As String
Public Property Schema As String
Public Property Parameters As List(Of ParameterTyping)
Public Property Include As Boolean
Public Property GenerateSelect As Boolean
End Class
Partial Public Class ParameterTyping
Public Property ID As Integer
Public Property Name As String
Public Property Type As SqlDataType
Public Property Length As Integer
Public Property OutParam As Boolean
Public Property DefaultValue As String
End Class
Please assume that _Db
and _Procs
are populating correctly (since the are).
Private Function ProcessProcColumns(ByVal _Name As String, ByVal _Schema As String) As List(Of ColumnTyping)
Dim _sql As String = "Exec sp_describe_first_result_set N'" & If(_Schema.Length > 0, _Schema & ".", "") & _Name & "'"
Dim _rs As SqlDataReader = Srv.ConnectionContext.ExecuteReader(_sql)
Dim _i As Integer = 0
If _rs IsNot Nothing Then
While _rs.Read()
_i += 1
_ProcColumns.Add(New ColumnTyping() With {
.ID = _i,
.Name = _rs(2),
.Type = _rs(5),
.Length = _rs(6),
.DefaultValue = String.Empty,
.Precision = _rs(7),
.Scale = _rs(8),
.IsPrimary = _rs(27)})
End While
End If
End Function
One of the new functions in SQL Server 2012 is sys.sp_describe_first_result_set which returns metadata about the first result set.
I don't think any similar feature is exposed via SMOs but if your SPs are just simple SELECT statements you could try to parse the TextBody