i'm trying to select values from my database, but currently i'm unable to to it and although i know its the fact that the method doesnt except the QueryBuilder class as a parameter, i dont know what to do about it. I only found solutions for querys with one parameter or all parameters are not null. In my case i've a List with ID, and 4 parameters which dont have to be passed to the function so they could be null.
My current code looks like this.
collection = db.GetCollection<Datapoint>("test");
var query = new QueryBuilder<Datapoint>();
var queryattributes = new List<IMongoQuery>();
var ids = new List<IMongoQuery>();
// Add all Attributes if there
if (fromdate != null)
BsonDateTime from = BsonDateTime.Create(fromdate);
queryattributes.Add(Query.GTE("UTCTimestamp", from));
if (to != null)
BsonDateTime bto = BsonDateTime.Create(to);
queryattributes.Add(Query.LTE("UTCTimestamp", bto));
if (evId != null)
queryattributes.Add(Query.EQ("EvId", evId));
if (evType != null)
queryattributes.Add(Query.EQ("EvType", evType));
// Add all ID's
Parallel.ForEach(idList, data =>
lock (query)
ids.Add(Query.EQ("CId", data));
// But everything in the Query
// Add Queryattributes if there
if (queryattributes.Count > 0)
var result = collection.FindAs<Datapoint>(query);
I'm trying to do it without Linq, since i found countless of test, which say that linq is much much slower, and since i want to run it as an Databasetest, i kinda need the performace to execute alot of querys.
The Linq query looks like this
var query2 =
from e in collection.AsQueryable<Datapoint>()
where idList.Contains(e.CId)
&& (evtId == null || e.EvId == evId)
&& (evType == null || e.EvType == evType.Value)
&& (fromdate == null || Query.GTE("UtcTimestamp", BsonDateTime.Create(fromdate)).Inject())
&& (to == null || Query.LT("UtcTimestamp", BsonDateTime.Create(to)).Inject())
select e;
The QueryBuilder doesn't save a query inside it. You use it to generate a IMongoQuery and then use that query to actually query the database.
It seems the end of your code should look like this;
// But everything in the Query
IMongoQuery mongoQuery = query.Or(ids);
// Add Queryattributes if there
if (queryattributes.Count > 0)
mongoQuery = query.And(queryattributes);
var result = collection.FindAs<Datapoint>(mongoQuery);