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Android: get location updates without interfering with osmdroid.MyLocationOverlay

Android / location:

I would like to receive location updates every 5 seconds.

Should I call the method:

locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER,5000, 0, gpsLocListener)?

It is important for me NOT to interfere with the osmdroid MyLocationManager functionality. Or should I use the MyLocationOverlay.onLocationChanged(), e.g. by inheritance of the MyLocationOverlay class.

If so, how often will it be called?


  • There should be no problem having multiple listeners on the location manager. Each one will get events separately. In fact, if you wanted you could use a new instance of osmdroid's GpsMyLocationProvider to feed you location updates. Call mGpsMyLocationProvider.startLocationProvider(myLocationConsumer) where myLocationConsumer is an instance of IMyLocationConsumer that receives and handles gps updates as you wish. You can call mGpsMyLocationProvider.setLocationUpdateMinTime() to adjust how often you get updates.