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MS-Word-2010 cross reference of math. equations gap in paragraph

I created a word document in version 2010. The mathematical equations are described by a number and written as follow.

          a= b/c               Eq.4.5

 Now if I use equation number in text to refer towards   a= b/c               Eq.4.5 with hyperlink then whole 
 equation is appearing in text (as shown before in mid of sentence). 

After reading into several blogs, I redefine number with 'insert bookmark' option by only selecting number 'Eq.4.5'.

 Now if I use this bookmark in text to refer towards                Eq.4.5 with hyperlink then a gap is    
 appearing in text (as shown before in mid of sentence). 

Please can someone guide me how to remove this gap from text? as manually I can remove it but in print or update of document it appears again and again. If I switch on 'Show/Hide' option, it look like with small arrows as follows.

    --> --> --> -->  Eq.4.5                 


  • It appears the bookmark counts the 'tab's before the number too. (As that is what the small arrows indicate.)

    Try remaking the bookmark and making sure you only have the number selected (by for instance using shift + right arrow key)