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Function with same signature

I would like to have two versions of same member function of a class in host and device side. Lets say

class A {  
    double stdinvcdf(float x) {  
        static normal boostnormal(0, 1);  
        return boost::math::cdf(boostnormal,x);  

    __device__ double stdinvcdf(float x) {  
        return normcdfinvf(x);

But when I compile this code using nvcc, it aborts with function redefinition error.


  • CUDA / C++ does not support this kind of function overloading, because in the end, there is no different function signature. The common approach to have both, i.e. host and device versions is to use __host__ in combination with __device__ alongside with an #ifdef, e.g.

    __host__ __device__ double stdinvcdf(float x)
    #ifdef __CUDA_ARCH__
        /* DEVICE CODE */
        /* HOST CODE */

    This solution was also discussed in this thread in the NVIDIA developer forum.