One of the requirements in my project is to reduce runtime footprint on an embedded system. It looks like jackd
is required on Linux and seem like it's currently a hard dependency and it cannot use libasound
directly instead, is it true? It'd be also great to hear from someone who use jackd
on an embedded device and could summaries it's resource usage. Although, I'm planing to use BeagleBone with relatively enough memory, I'd rather spare it for a longer delay line instead of running jackd
Jack is definitely the standard way of doing it for SuperCollider on Linux. There is an AUDIOAPI
flag in the cmake build settings - you can set -DAUDIOAPI=portaudio
when you make your own build. (There's no direct libasound implementation; supercollider is cross-platform.) However, be warned that the portaudio approach is rarely used and might not even work at the moment. If you need help getting a build working, ask the sc-devel mailing list.
On the other hand I know people have run jack+supercollider on small ARM devices such as beaglebones. You might find it a better use of your time to go with the flow and use jack.