I'm trying to find the fft of a dynamically allocated array. The input array is copied from host to device using cudaMemcpy2D
. Then the fft is taken (cufftExecR2C) and the results are copied back from device to host.
So my initial problem was how to use the pitch information in the fft. Then I found an answer here - CUFFT: How to calculate fft of pitched pointer?
But unfortunately it doesn't work. The results I get are garbage values. Given below is my code.
#define NRANK 2
#define BATCH 10
#include "cuda_runtime.h"
#include "device_launch_parameters.h"
#include <cufft.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
const size_t NX = 4;
const size_t NY = 6;
int main()
// Input array (static) - host side
float h_in_data_static[NX][NY] ={
{0.7943 , 0.6020 , 0.7482 , 0.9133 , 0.9961 , 0.9261},
{0.3112 , 0.2630 , 0.4505 , 0.1524 , 0.0782 , 0.1782},
{0.5285 , 0.6541 , 0.0838 , 0.8258 , 0.4427, 0.3842},
{0.1656 , 0.6892 , 0.2290 , 0.5383 , 0.1067, 0.1712}
// --------------------------------
// Input array (dynamic) - host side
float *h_in_data_dynamic = new float[NX*NY];
// Set the values
size_t h_ipitch;
for (int r = 0; r < NX; ++r) // this can be also done on GPU
for (int c = 0; c < NY; ++c)
{ h_in_data_dynamic[NY*r + c] = h_in_data_static[r][c]; }
// --------------------------------
// Output array - host side
float2 *h_out_data_temp = new float2[NX*(NY/2+1)] ;
// Input and Output array - device side
cufftHandle plan;
cufftReal *d_in_data;
cufftComplex * d_out_data;
int n[NRANK] = {NX, NY};
// Copy input array from Host to Device
size_t ipitch;
cudaError cudaStat1 = cudaMallocPitch((void**)&d_in_data,&ipitch,NY*sizeof(cufftReal),NX);
cout << cudaGetErrorString(cudaStat1) << endl;
cudaError cudaStat2 = cudaMemcpy2D(d_in_data,ipitch,h_in_data_dynamic,NY*sizeof(float),NY*sizeof(float),NX,cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
cout << cudaGetErrorString(cudaStat2) << endl;
// Allocate memory for output array - device side
size_t opitch;
cudaError cudaStat3 = cudaMallocPitch((void**)&d_out_data,&opitch,(NY/2+1)*sizeof(cufftComplex),NX);
cout << cudaGetErrorString(cudaStat3) << endl;
// Performe the fft
int rank = 2; // 2D fft
int istride = 1, ostride = 1; // Stride lengths
int idist = 1, odist = 1; // Distance between batches
int inembed[] = {ipitch, NX}; // Input size with pitch
int onembed[] = {opitch, NX}; // Output size with pitch
int batch = 1;
cufftPlanMany(&plan, rank, n, inembed, istride, idist, onembed, ostride, odist, CUFFT_R2C, batch);
//cufftPlan2d(&plan, NX, NY , CUFFT_R2C);
cufftSetCompatibilityMode(plan, CUFFT_COMPATIBILITY_NATIVE);
cufftExecR2C(plan, d_in_data, d_out_data);
// Copy d_in_data back from device to host
cudaError cudaStat4 = cudaMemcpy2D(h_out_data_temp,(NY/2+1)*sizeof(float2), d_out_data, opitch, (NY/2+1)*sizeof(cufftComplex), NX, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
cout << cudaGetErrorString(cudaStat4) << endl;
// Print the results
for (int i = 0; i < NX; i++)
for (int j =0 ; j< NY/2 + 1; j++)
printf(" %f + %fi",h_out_data_temp[i*(NY/2+1) + j].x ,h_out_data_temp[i*(NY/2+1) + j].y);
return 0;
I think the problem is in cufftPlanMany
. How can I solve this issue ?
You may want to study the advanced data layout section of the documentation carefully.
I think the previous question that was linked is somewhat confusing because that question is passing the width
and height
parameters in reverse order for what I would expect for a cufft 2D plan. However the answer then mimics that order so it is at least consistent.
Secondly, you missed in the previous question that the "pitch" parameters that are being passed in inembed
and onembed
are not the same as the pitch parameters that you would receive from a cudaMallocPitch
operation. They have to be scaled by the number of bytes per data element in the input and output data sets. I'm actually not entirely sure this is the intended use of the inembed
and onembed
parameters, but it seems to work.
When I adjust your code to account for the above two changes, I seem to get valid results, at least they appear to be in a reasonable range. You've posted several questions now about 2D FFTs, where you've said the results are not correct. I can't do these 2D FFT's in my head, so I suggest in the future you indicate what data you are expecting.
This has the changes I made:
#define NRANK 2
#define BATCH 10
#include "cuda_runtime.h"
#include "device_launch_parameters.h"
#include <cufft.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
const size_t NX = 4;
const size_t NY = 6;
int main()
// Input array (static) - host side
float h_in_data_static[NX][NY] ={
{0.7943 , 0.6020 , 0.7482 , 0.9133 , 0.9961 , 0.9261},
{0.3112 , 0.2630 , 0.4505 , 0.1524 , 0.0782 , 0.1782},
{0.5285 , 0.6541 , 0.0838 , 0.8258 , 0.4427, 0.3842},
{0.1656 , 0.6892 , 0.2290 , 0.5383 , 0.1067, 0.1712}
// --------------------------------
// Input array (dynamic) - host side
float *h_in_data_dynamic = new float[NX*NY];
// Set the values
size_t h_ipitch;
for (int r = 0; r < NX; ++r) // this can be also done on GPU
for (int c = 0; c < NY; ++c)
{ h_in_data_dynamic[NY*r + c] = h_in_data_static[r][c]; }
// --------------------------------
int owidth = (NY/2)+1;
// Output array - host side
float2 *h_out_data_temp = new float2[NX*owidth] ;
// Input and Output array - device side
cufftHandle plan;
cufftReal *d_in_data;
cufftComplex * d_out_data;
int n[NRANK] = {NX, NY};
// Copy input array from Host to Device
size_t ipitch;
cudaError cudaStat1 = cudaMallocPitch((void**)&d_in_data,&ipitch,NY*sizeof(cufftReal),NX);
cout << cudaGetErrorString(cudaStat1) << endl;
cudaError cudaStat2 = cudaMemcpy2D(d_in_data,ipitch,h_in_data_dynamic,NY*sizeof(float),NY*sizeof(float),NX,cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
cout << cudaGetErrorString(cudaStat2) << endl;
// Allocate memory for output array - device side
size_t opitch;
cudaError cudaStat3 = cudaMallocPitch((void**)&d_out_data,&opitch,owidth*sizeof(cufftComplex),NX);
cout << cudaGetErrorString(cudaStat3) << endl;
// Performe the fft
int rank = 2; // 2D fft
int istride = 1, ostride = 1; // Stride lengths
int idist = 1, odist = 1; // Distance between batches
int inembed[] = {NX, ipitch/sizeof(cufftReal)}; // Input size with pitch
int onembed[] = {NX, opitch/sizeof(cufftComplex)}; // Output size with pitch
int batch = 1;
if ((cufftPlanMany(&plan, rank, n, inembed, istride, idist, onembed, ostride, odist, CUFFT_R2C, batch)) != CUFFT_SUCCESS) cout<< "cufft error 1" << endl;
//cufftPlan2d(&plan, NX, NY , CUFFT_R2C);
if ((cufftSetCompatibilityMode(plan, CUFFT_COMPATIBILITY_NATIVE)) != CUFFT_SUCCESS) cout << "cufft error 2" << endl;
if ((cufftExecR2C(plan, d_in_data, d_out_data)) != CUFFT_SUCCESS) cout << "cufft error 3" << endl;
// Copy d_in_data back from device to host
cudaError cudaStat4 = cudaMemcpy2D(h_out_data_temp,owidth*sizeof(float2), d_out_data, opitch, owidth*sizeof(cufftComplex), NX, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
cout << cudaGetErrorString(cudaStat4) << endl;
// Print the results
for (int i = 0; i < NX; i++)
for (int j =0 ; j< owidth; j++)
printf(" %f + %fi",h_out_data_temp[i*owidth + j].x ,h_out_data_temp[i*owidth + j].y);
return 0;