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HTML5 published and modified time

I’d like to include published and modified time of an article. I looked through documentation and cannot find info about this.

So far, I got this:

  <p>Also the favorite word of <strong>5000</strong> people more</p>
  <time pubdate="2009-11-13">1s</time>
  <time datetime="2009-11-13">10s</time>


  • The time element can’t have a pubdate attribute. (It was part of early drafts, but it got removed.)

    HTML5 itself doesn’t provide a way to specify that a date is a publication or a modification date.

    If you need to specify this in a machine-readable way, you could use an appropriate vocabulary. For example, the vocabulary defines the properties datePublished and dateModified for CreativeWork (and its sub-types).