I have an id
and abbreviation
column in a table. I would like to update the abbreviation
column in another database on another server.. I know how to get a SQL select statement, but how would I get an UPDATE statement from this that to run on the other database?
Basically I want to get something like:
UPDATE table SET abbrv=x WHERE id=1;
UPDATE table SET abbrv=y WHERE id=2;
How would I do this?
An easy way to do this is create a SELECT statement to generate the UPDATE statements:
CONCAT('UPDATE home_provider SET abbrv="', abbrv, '" WHERE id=', id, ';')
FROM home_provider
This will then give you:
UPDATE home_provider SET abrv="ACA" WHERE id=1;
UPDATE home_provider SET abrv="ALL" WHERE id=2;
UPDATE home_provider SET abrv="ARK" WHERE id=3;
UPDATE home_provider SET abrv="ART" WHERE id=4;