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How to make login box into a reusable UI component?

Using jQuery, how would I go about making a reusable UI component from this login box, so that it could be used twice on one page?


(function ($) {
  $.fn.loginBox = function () {

    this.html('<div class="loginContainer"><div class="formContainer"><form action="" class="loginForm" name="loginForm" method="post"><fieldset class="loginFields"><legend>User Login</legend><h1>User Login</h1><input autofocus class="loginID" type="email" name="email" placeholder="Apple ID" required /><input class="loginPassword" type="password" name="password" placeholder="Password" required /><button class="loginSubmit" name="submit" type="submit">Login to your account</button></fieldset></form></div></div>');

    $(".loginForm").submit(function () {

      var username = $(this).find(".loginID").val();
      var password = $(this).find(".loginPassword").val();

        type: "POST",
        url: "",
        data: { username: username, password: password },
        success: function (data) {
        error: function (data) {

      return false;

    return this; // make this plug-in chainable


var loginOne = $("#loginOne").loginBox();
var loginTwo = $("#loginTwo").loginBox();

Am I best suited taking cues from a framework like Ink.js and loading separate scripts for each component, or is there a simpler approach?


    <div id="loginOne"></div>

    <br />

    <div id="loginTwo"></div>


Update: I've tied two separate form instances to a single script - will it manage separate state and common behavior for each of them, or is this approach problematic?


  • I guess your code would work, however, I have some suggestions:

    • I would have added a hidden login template to the DOM that you can clone() and re-use. Keeping the HTML inline in the javascript will start becoming troublesome when you want some more complex functionality and/or layout.

    • You can't simply do var username = $(".loginID").val();. This will always get you the first element with class loginID. You need to make use of the this pointer when dealing with multiple instances.

    • Pass the data as an object literal. Change data: "username=" + username + "&password=" + password to data: { username: username, password: password }.

    Just my two cents.

    var Loginbox = (function($){
        function loginbox(){
            this.$element = $('.logintemplate').clone()
        loginbox.prototype = {
            bindEvents: function(){
                var that = this;
                this.$element.find('.send').on('click', function(){
                        url: '/echo/json',
                        type: 'POST',
                        data: { 
                            username: that.$element.find('.username').val(), 
                            password: that.$element.find('.password').val() 
        return loginbox;
    for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++){
        var box = new Loginbox();