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feGaussianBlur, feOffset and other SVG tags not working in Pyside WebView

Does PySide WebView not support these tags? Or is there anyway to support these tags?

This is my SVG Code. I have made an SVG circle which takes this filter and performs some color transition using javascript

        <filter id="blurr">
            <feGaussianBlur in="SourceAlpha" stdDeviation="1" />
            <feOffset dx="1" dy="1" />
                <feMergeNode />
                <feMergeNode in="SourceGraphic" />

In PySide, I have made a simple WebView which displays this HTML file.

The HTML file shows the color transition properly in browser but in PySide, It doesn't show any color change.


  • According to this bug report, filters are not supported and it seems the project has no plans to do so given that the bug has been closed.