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bzip2 - Bzipping all files inside folders (Windows)

I have a bzipping tool on my computer, but it only bzips files that are inside the "compress" directory. How would I make it so files inside all directories inside the compress directory are zipped?


compress/image.png goes to compress/image.png.bz2


compress/folder/image.png stays as compress/folder/image.png

My batch file is as follows: @echo off

title bzip

echo            bzip
echo All files within /compress will be compressed as a .bz2
echo Compressing file(s)...

bzip2.exe -z compress/*.*

echo Compression Completed!

I hope somebody can help me!

Edit: When running the process with directories inside the compress directory, it says "permission denied".


  • Use for /r compress %%i in (*) do bzip2.exe "%%i" in your batch file instead of the call to bzip2.exe directly. bzip2 almost certainly doesn't know how to recurse through subfolders -- standard wildcard globbing libs on Windows generally don't.

    Run for /? from a Command Prompt to see more about the syntax of the for command. If you want to test the command from a prompt instead of a batch file, use 1 percent sign for the variable instead of 2.