I recently started working with Google Dart (www.dartlang.org) and playing with SVG.
I am trying to scale a generated SVG to fit into a <div>
using a viewBox.
People on StackOverflow already gave me a lot of help.
I am now able to scale paths like this: Dart create and transform an SVG path
But is seems that viewBox is made for scale-to-fit and using it would save me from scaling all paths in the svg separately. That is why I want to use a viewBox.
I tried the following:
// get bounding box of the created svg
Rect bb = path.getBBox();
// create a viewBox for the svg to fit in the div
var viewBox = svg.viewBox.baseVal
..x = bb.x
..y = bb.y
..width = bb.width
..height = bb.height;
// center the image inside the div
..meetOrSlice = PreserveAspectRatio.SVG_MEETORSLICE_MEET
But no scaling happens. How would I solve this?
While writing this question and retrying to make sure I tried anything before asking here, I found the following solution.
It seems like Dartium (Chrome with a native Dart VM) has a bug (issue 12224) where changes to the viewBox are not reflected directly.
Adding the following code after changes to the viewBox forces Dartium to somehow resize to the requested size:
// add an empty ```<g>``` element to force svg resize
SvgElement g = new SvgElement.tag('g');