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Multiple crosstabs in the summary band using iReport

I have implemented a JasperReports report (using iReport) which consist of multiple crosstabs in the summary band which works successfully with the following stricture

Summary {
    Crosstab 1
    Page Break
    Crosstab 2
    Page Break
    Crosstab 3
    Page Break
    Crosstab 4
    Page Break
    Crosstab 5

The user requirement is to remove the page break and show crosstabs one by one without breaks like this structure :

 Summary {
        Crosstab 1
        Crosstab 2
        Crosstab 3
        Crosstab 4
        Crosstab 5

But when I removed the page break, the crosstabs get overlapped.

Any suggestions ?


  • Try setting property Position Type to Float or Fix relative to bottom, I think float should solve your problem. If that doesn't work you'll probably have to make crosstab elements large enough to fit the actual data.