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CMIS workbench not connecting to inmemory/Alfresco repository

I have setup inmemory repository on Tomcat7 and trying to access it using cmis workbench. As per instructions, I am using


as URL for binding & leaving all other things default but I am getting "Service Unavailable" error as below with warning in log4j.log file under tomcat/bin.

WARN [localhost-startStop-1] org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.inmemory.server.InMemoryServiceFactoryImpl: Resource file with type definitions types.xml could not be found, no types will be created.

CMIS Workbench Error

Next I tried to connect to my local Alfresco 4.2 repo using same workbench with atom URL as


with admin credentials but again I am getting same error as below.

enter image description here


  • Try the following:

    go to

    There is a link to the workbench:

    Use the alfresco cmisatom url:

    Login as admin with password admin. This one works and you can even try your local repo.