I'm having a problem with excluding certain files from the entire folder with using a whitelist text file. Currently I'm working on batching scripting
for /f "tokens=* Delims=" %%x in (whitelist.txt) do
for %%i in ("list\*") do
if not "%%i"=="%%x"
echo %%i
Need some guidance here thanks.
You are iterating the directory for each line in whitelist.txt
Whithout knowing what is in whitelist.txt, this is an aproximation to the problem
inside whitelist.txt
this is data.txt
Then you can do something like
for /f "tokens=*" %%f in (
'dir /b ^| findstr /v /b /e /i /l /g:whitelist.txt'
) do echo %%f
Generate the listing of files (and folders, if you want to exclude them, add /a-d to dir command) getting only the filenames (/b
), and filter with findstr
. Parameters are : take the search strings from whitelist.txt (/g:whitelist.txt
), content of whitelist.txt are literal strings (/l
), ignore case (/i
), search strings should match from begin (/b
) to end (/e
) of line, and only return lines not matching (/v