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Has anyone been able to create a hybrid of PE COFF and ELF?

I mean could a single binary file run in both Win32 and Linux i386 ?


  • This is not possible, because the two types have conflicting formats:

    • The initial two characters of a PE file must be 'M' 'Z';
    • The initial four characters of an ELF file must be '\x7f' 'E' 'L' 'F'.

    Clearly, you can't create one file that satisifies both formats.

    In response to the comment about a polyglot binary valid as both a 16 bit COM file and a Linux ELF file, that's possible (although really a COM file is a DOS program, not Windows - and certainly not Win32).

    Here's one I knocked together - compile it with NASM. It works because the first two bytes of an ELF file ('\x7f' 'E') happen to also be valid 8086 machine code (a 45 byte relative jump-if-greater-than instruction). Minimal ELF headers cribbed from Brian Raiter.

    BITS 32
    ORG 0x08048000
      ehdr:                                                 ; Elf32_Ehdr
                    db      0x7F, "ELF", 1, 1, 1, 0         ;   e_ident
            times 8 db      0
                    dw      2                               ;   e_type
                    dw      3                               ;   e_machine
                    dd      1                               ;   e_version
                    dd      _start                          ;   e_entry
                    dd      phdr - $$                       ;   e_phoff
                    dd      0                               ;   e_shoff
                    dd      0                               ;   e_flags
                    dw      ehdrsize                        ;   e_ehsize
                    dw      phdrsize                        ;   e_phentsize
                    dw      1                               ;   e_phnum
                    dw      0                               ;   e_shentsize
                    dw      0                               ;   e_shnum
                    dw      0                               ;   e_shstrndx
      ehdrsize      equ     $ - ehdr
    times 0x47-($-$$) db    0
    ; DOS COM File code
    BITS 16
        mov dx, msg1 - $$ + 0x100
        mov ah, 0x09
        int 0x21
        mov ah, 0x00
        int 0x21
      msg1:         db      `Hello World (DOS).\r\n$`
    BITS 32
      phdr:                                                 ; Elf32_Phdr
                    dd      1                               ;   p_type
                    dd      0                               ;   p_offset
                    dd      $$                              ;   p_vaddr
                    dd      $$                              ;   p_paddr
                    dd      filesize                        ;   p_filesz
                    dd      filesize                        ;   p_memsz
                    dd      5                               ;   p_flags
                    dd      0x1000                          ;   p_align
      phdrsize      equ     $ - phdr
    ; Linux ELF code
        mov eax, 4      ; SYS_write
        mov ebx, 1      ; stdout
        mov ecx, msg2
        mov edx, msg2_len
        int 0x80
        mov eax, 1      ; SYS_exit
        mov ebx, 0
        int 0x80
      msg2:         db      `Hello World (Linux).\n`
      msg2_len      equ     $ - msg2
      filesize      equ     $ - $$