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Sidekiq doesn't run queue with carrierwave_backgrounder

this is my first atemp to run sidekiq and carrierwave_backgrounder

After all when I check my redis data, I can see there is a key: queue:images with params:

{"retry":true, "queue":"images", "class":"CarrierWave::Workers::StoreAsset","args":["Image", "6", "image"] ... }

Anyway, I have my sideqik running with "bundle exec sidekiq" but it does nothing. The images are not processed and the queues in the redis database are still present.

I should mentioned that I did not configure the sidekiq at all. All is running locally. Rails4 server, sidekiq and redis.

Thank you


  • I find out the problem. I did not specify the queue in the sidekiq.

    bundle exec sidekiq -q images

    solved the problem.