A feedback
model requires an account
to exist. Each account
has a unique :uuid that is validated in the model: validates :uuid, presence: true, uniqueness: true
I was using rspec to test the feedback model and kept getting Uuid has already been taken
errors whenever I built a feedback
object because feedback was building an associated account
require "spec_helper"
describe Feedback do
it "is valid with a message" do
expect(build(:feedback)).to be_valid
it "is invalid without a message" do
expect(build(:feedback, message: nil)).to have(1).errors_on(:message)
it "is invalid without an associated account" do
expect(build(:feedback, account: nil)).to have(1).errors_on(:account)
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :feedback do
association :account
message Faker::Lorem.paragraphs
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :account do
# uuid SecureRandom.uuid # THIS LINE WILL NOT WORK
sequence(:uuid) { |n| n } # THIS LINE WORKS
active true
As you can see from the accounts.rb factory, the line uuid SecureRandom.uuid
always seemed to return the same UUID when I created an account
in the feedback_spec.rb
I'm wondering, does FactoryGirl only build the account object ONCE and then re-use it for each individual test? I was expecting a unique UUID for each account object but that obviously didn't work. However, when I switched to using the sequence(:uuid) { |n| n }
line it worked just fine.
Trying to understand how FactoryGirl creates these objects for testing. It's obviously not the way I was thinking. My tests now run properly, but things that I don't understand will eventually come back to haunt me.
Try this:
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :account do
uuid { SecureRandom.uuid }
active true
This will evaluate SecureRandom.uuid
whenever an account factory is invoked instead of just the once when FactoryGirl defines it's factories.
See Factory Girl Lazy Attributes for more info.