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Time complexity of powering a number

Learning from MIT Opencourseware's algorithms course, a professor talks about powering a number and its time complexity.

x^n simply is computed as x*x*x...... n times (imagine a simple for loop with a multiplication being performed inside it)

He states that the time complexity of this approach is theta(n).

Here is my analysis:

Let the N(x) be a function that gives the number of digits in x. Then, complexity of :

x*1 = N(x)

x*x = N(x)*N(x)

x*x*x = N(x^2) * N(X)

x*x*x*x = N(x^3) * N(x)

and so on......

To sum up, T(x^n) = N(x) + N(x)*N(x) + N(x^2)*N(x) + N(x^3)*N(x) + ........... N(x^(n-1))*N(x)

T(x^n) = N(x)[1 + N(x) + N(x^2) + N(x^3) + ....... N(x^n-1)]

However, i can't solve any further. How does it yield theta(n) ultimately?


  • Think of it like this.

    If you conisder multiplication between two numbers to be an operation that takes unit time. Then the complexity of a 2 number multiplication is done in theta(1) time. Now, in a for loop which runs for n-1 times for n numbers. You apply this operation n-1 times. So the theta(1) cost operation happens N-1 times which makes the overall cost of the operation theta(n-1) which in asymptotic terms is theta(n)

    The multiplication happens like this

    • x=x
    • x^2 = x*x
    • x^3 = (x^2)*x
    • x^4 = (x^3)*x
    • ................
    • .................
    • .................
    • x^(n-1) =(x^(n-2))*x
    • x^n = (x^(n-1))*x

    It's theta(1) for each step as you can use the result of a previous step to calculate the overall product. For example, when you caculate x^2. You can store the value of x^2 and use it while calculating x^3. Similarly when you calculate x^4 you can use the stored value of x^3.

    Now all the individual operations take theta(1) time. If you do it n times, the total time is theta(n). Now for calculating the complexity of x^n.

    • for x^2, T(2) = theta(1)
      This is the base case for our induction.
    • Let us assume for x^k, T(k) = theta(k) to be true
    • x^(k+1) = (x^k)*x, T(k+1)= theta(k)+theta(1)

    Hence, for x^n, time complexity is T(n) = theta(N)

    and if you want to sum up the complexity. You are summing it up wrong.

    We know that T(2) = theta(1), time complexity of multiplying two numbers.

    • T(n) = T(n-1)+T(2) (time complexity of multiplying two numbers and time complexity of multiplying (n-1) numbers)
    • T(n) = T(n-2)+T(2)+T(2)
    • T(n) = T(n-3)+T(2)+T(2)+T(2)
    • ...................
    • ...................
    • T(n) = T(3) + (n-3)*T(2)
    • T(n) = T(2) + (n-2)*T(2)
    • T(n) = (n-1)*T(2)
    • T(n) = (n-1)*theta(1)
    • T(n) = theta(n)

    As you know C an example of how you will write a power(naive) function.

     int power(int x,int n)
         int powerVal=1;
         for(int i=1;i<=n;++i)
         return powerVal;

    Now, as you can see each time multiplication of two integer takes place and that takes only theta(1) time. You run this loop n times. so total complexity is theta(n)