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Fastest way to interpolate between radians?

So, I have radian angles without any range (-inf to +inf basically) and I need to interpolate these as quick as possible. If there any cookie cutter way to do this?

PS: I only need to interpolate 2 values at a time, so a+f*(b-a) basically

PPS: the output does NOT have to be in any specific range (-PI to PI or 0 to 2PI)

PPPS: The specific problem is how to do the wrapping of the values around -PI/+PI and their multiples most efficiently


  • BETTER Actually forget what I wrote first. You can simply do:

    template<typename K>
    K lerpAngle(K u, K v, K p) {
        return u + p*wrapMP(v - u);

    where wrapMP moves an angle to the interval [-pi|+pi]. Both input u and v can be any radian angle and the result will also not be in a specific interval.

    The idea is actually quite simple. Move your point of view to the point u such that u=0. Now v can be arbitrary as angles are not normalized, but we just wrap the distance v-u = v to [-pi|+pi] and walk by the given percentage p into that direction.

    OLD (and inefficient) I wrote this code once:

    template<typename K>
    K lerpAngle(K u, K v, K p) {
        K a = wrap2Pi(u);
        K b = wrap2Pi(v);
        K d = b - a;
        if(d < -PI) {
            b += 2*PI;
        if(d > +PI) {
            b -= 2*PI;
        return wrap2Pi(a + p*(b - a));

    where wrap2i moves an angle to the interval [0,2*pi[.