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Regenerating cookie_secret

In the turbogears development.ini file, there's a value something like this:

cookie_secret = aabbccdd-eeff-0011-2233-445566778899

consisting of hexadecimal digits and dashes. The same value is placed in beaker.session.secret and beaker.session.validate_key. has a section on this value:

The beaker.session.secret key of the base_config object contains the secret used to store user sessions. Pylons automatically generates a random secret for you when you create a project. If an attacker gets his hands on this key, he will be able to forge a valid session an use your application at though he was logged in. In the event of a security breach, you can change this key to invalidate all user sessions.

What's the best way to generate a new key?


  • It can be anything you want. Better if hard to catch or bruteforce. Same rules of password apply. It is currently generated with uuid.uuid4() if I remember correctly