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Can't add android platform in cordova 3.3

I tried to add the android platform by:

$ cordova platform add android

I get that out:

    Creating android project...

                    throw e;
Error: An error occured during creation of android sub-project. 

                    throw e;
Error: The command "android" failed. Make sure you have the latest Android SDK installed, and the "android" command (inside the tools/ folder) is added to your path.
    at /Users/jannisportmann/.cordova/lib/android/cordova/3.3.0/bin/lib/check_reqs.js:85:29
    at _rejected (/Users/jannisportmann/.cordova/lib/android/cordova/3.3.0/bin/node_modules/q/q.js:808:24)
    at /Users/jannisportmann/.cordova/lib/android/cordova/3.3.0/bin/node_modules/q/q.js:834:30
    at Promise.when (/Users/jannisportmann/.cordova/lib/android/cordova/3.3.0/bin/node_modules/q/q.js:1079:31)
    at Promise.promise.promiseDispatch (/Users/jannisportmann/.cordova/lib/android/cordova/3.3.0/bin/node_modules/q/q.js:752:41)
    at /Users/jannisportmann/.cordova/lib/android/cordova/3.3.0/bin/node_modules/q/q.js:574:44
    at flush (/Users/jannisportmann/.cordova/lib/android/cordova/3.3.0/bin/node_modules/q/q.js:108:17)
    at process._tickCallback (node.js:415:13)

    at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/src/platform.js:244:30
    at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:641:7)
    at ChildProcess.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:98:17)
    at maybeClose (child_process.js:735:16)
    at Socket.<anonymous> (child_process.js:948:11)
    at Socket.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:95:17)
    at Pipe.close (net.js:466:12)

I specified the SDK's path in the .bash_profile, is there something more I need to do?

Thanks for answers!


  • I fixed it!! First you have to add android tools and platform tools to your PATH...

    So open your user profile ( in terminal type:)

    nano ~/.profile
    export PATH

    Save it and type on terminal:

    . ~/.profile

    Now try to add your cordova platform, if it not works try to install apache ant. I'm using elementary os, so I opened the software center, searched for ant e install it. After it see if 'ant' is on your terminal and then add your platform.